Heating Repair

heating repair

A heating system is a crucial component, responsible for keeping your home warm during the late fall, winter, and early spring months. Often overlooked until they encounter issues requiring repair.

At Worzel, our skilled technicians possess extensive experience in diagnosing and servicing heating units from all leading brands. We specialize in repairing gas furnaces, central heating systems, heat pumps, and thermostats.

Indicators that your Heating Unit Requires Attention:

  • Determining when your heating system needs maintenance is not limited to complete breakdowns. There are warning signs to be vigilant about:
    Unusual noises emanating from the unit
  • Reduced indoor temperature compared to the norm
  • Inefficient air circulation
  • Shortened heating cycles
  • Failure to start at all

Regularly monitoring these aspects can help minimize the risk of unexpected repair needs.

Common Heating Unit Repairs:

  • Our technicians have identified common issues that often necessitate repairs as part of our heating repair service. These include:
    Blow Motor Failure: The motor responsible for air circulation may fail due to worn bearings or develop shorts over time.
  • Wire Faults: Worn-out or overused wires can cause electrical shorts and potential fire hazards.
  • Thermostat Repairs: Simple fixes like battery replacements or more complex issues due to aging or electrical surges.


Additionally, we offer repair services for ignitor probes, safety pressure switches, and safety pressure switches.